domingo, 20 de mayo de 2007

time tiempo time

I can't believe India has come and gone...
My mother has come and gone...
My cats have come (and luckily not gone)
and I'm now on a mission in Dominican Republic
(yes, I said on a mission...)
...and I still haven't updated my blog!!!!!!!!
Outrageous. .. Horror! Promise to do so tomorrow.
After my fully-scheduled day.
Here go a couple of recent photos as substitute.

PS> By the way, me encantan sus comentarios!!!

3 comentarios:

Rebecca dijo...

Welcome back! And welcome to your cats, hope they like the new tropical climate and don't try to catch any of those beautiful birds. Waiting for your update, and to hear about Dominican Republic too. Some job you've landed!

Tooting bird dijo...

yes, I'm jealous. nice photos too, by the way.

Anónimo dijo...

honey things come and go, people come and go...en eso estoy aprendiendo...te adoro....